Tickets are available for purchase online from the Castle Website :
The Church is holding a Country Fayre at the Castle on Sunday 19th June, Father’s Day, by kind permission of Lesley Smith, Curator. The event will run from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. This will be a major fund raiser with the net proceeds coming to the church. We hope to have a successful day and encourage mums, dads and families to enjoy the day.

Don’t forget items for the White Elephant Stall.
Facebook users can join the discussion here :

Entry fee will be £4.50 for adults, £4.00 concessions (senior citizens and children up to 12 years of age) £10.00 family ticket (two adults and two children). Tickets will shortly be available to purchase online via Tutbury Castle but card and cash payments can be made on
the day.